20.-21. 9. 2022 – Praha – Presidency conference on integration of people with disabilities into the labour market

27. 7. 2022

The theme of the conference is supporting people with disabilities in their integration into the labour market in interdisciplinary contexts in relation to specific legislative instruments. Discussion panels will focus on strategic objectives and examples of good practice also with regard to the political and economic aspects.

On the first day we will focus on information on the newly prepared documents – Action plan for the social economy and Package of measures to integrate people with disabilities into the labour market. Panelists will discuss the possibilities and limits of implementation in individual EU Member States.

On the second day, we want to introduce the audience to specific practices and solutions in these areas:

  • Services: Strengthening capacities of employment and integration services
  • Social enterprises: Alternative forms of employment and pathways to the open labour market
  • Employers: Facilitating hiring and reasonable accommodation
  • Health and Safety at work: Retaining persons with disabilities in employment

In general, the aim of the conference is to present concrete procedures, good practices and policy objectives in this area.

You can download photos from the conference.